
HR Technology Working Group | Hosted by Bloomberg | October 4, 2019 | New York, NY

Friday | October 04, 2019

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LOCATION:  Bloomberg | 731 Lexington Avenue | New York, NY  10022

Technology is reshaping not only work but also the delivery of HR services and solutions. In the area of talent acquisition, for example, new technologies have already been widely adopted.  Nearly all Global 500 companies use recruitment and algorithmic hiring tools, ranging from applicant tracking systems (ATS) to video screening systems such as Hirevue. In other areas, such as coaching and diversity and inclusion, adoption is accelerating as new applications hit the market.  While these technologies have the potential to help modernize the delivery of HR, they also raise a host of challenges. The use of automated hiring systems, for example, is not without controversy due to some of the legal issues that might arise. It can also be difficult to evaluate the potential risks and benefits of the new HR technologies being pitched by both start-ups and established vendors. And, it remains challenging to integrate and share data across different HR technologies. 

The goal of this working group is to explore both the opportunities and challenges associated with the proliferation of HR technologies.  Participants will leave the meeting more informed about the capabilities of HR technology in general, as well as their limitations, which will be useful when considering new technologies for adoption as part of HR systems, especially regarding the right questions to ask developers of such technologies.

The meeting will begin with a presentation by Peter Chiu, Head of HR Data & Technology at Bloomberg, who will provide an overview of Bloombergs HR technology journey - where they have been, where they are today, and where they are headed. Cornell University Professor Ifeoma Ajunwa, an expert in the ethical governance of workplace technologies, will then share the results of a survey of extant automated hiring systems, a sampling of the companies currently using those systems, as well as their associated potentially problematic features. The remainder of the day will be spent as a group discussing a number of topics.  Below is a list of some of the possible topics to be discussed, although we will leave time for other topics to emerge over the course of the day.

  • What are the major factors driving your adoption of specific HR technologies (e.g., automated hiring systems, virtual coaching tools, job description bias screeners)?
  • Overall, have you found these technologies to be effective? What design features of these systems are most and least effective?
  • What are some issues that HR managers encounter when they use these new technologies? How have you sought to overcome these issues?
  • How do you evaluate the potential risks and benefits of new HR technologies and ultimately decide which tools to adopt?
  • What challenges have you encountered when trying to integrate data and decision-making across different HR technologies? What strategies or solutions have you devised to address these challenges?   

With that background, we are pleased to invite you to participate in this HR Technology working group hosted by Bloomberg in New York, NY.  Attendees should have responsibility for the adoption and/or implementation of HR technologies in their organizations. The best fit for the meeting would be HR technology leaders or leaders within Talent COEs, such as talent acquisition, that have input into HR technology decisions.

The meeting agenda will allow for ample time for interaction and networking something we consider critical to the goal of our working groups. The sessions are free of charge to CAHRS partner firms.  To effectively create the right environment and to ensure free and open discussion, we limit the size of the meeting to 25 participants.

Cornell Discussion Leaders:
Brad Bell is Professor, Human Resource Studies and Director for the Cornell Center for Advanced HR Studies (CAHRS), ILR School, Cornell University

Ifeoma Ajunwa is Assistant Professor of Law, Labor Relations, and History at the Cornell ILR School and an Associate Faculty Member at the Cornell Law School

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