
CAHRScast - HR Career Development in the Face of HR Transformation | December 11, 2019 | Ithaca, NY

Wednesday | December 11, 2019


CAHRScast 1:00-1:45pm (EST)

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HR transformation continues to be a priority for many companies taking the form of increasing adoption of technology, advancements in software and analytics, and the continued expansion of shared services as part of the HR operating model. Accompanying this change is an opportunity to reevaluate how it translates to HR talent needs. As roles have emerged and evolved, many of the foundational experiences in a traditional HR career path either no longer exist or look very different today prompting companies to rethink the development needs of their HR professionals and leaders.

In this webcast CAHRS Research Assistants Jeff Serbin and Sabrina Williams will share findings from interviews with 30+ CAHRS companies as well as early career professionals. The discussion will include how companies are developing talent in the wake of HR transformation, measurement and effectiveness of current practices, and what opportunities exist to best equip the HR function of the future.

Beth Flynn-Ferry, Executive Director of CAHRS, will serve as moderator for this webcast.  As with all of our webcasts, the CAHRS RAs will take time to address questions and comments submitted by participants.