
CAHRScast - CAHRS Benchmarking Research: Lessons from the Pandemic | December 11, 2020

Friday | December 11, 2020

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CAHRScast 12:00-1:00pm (EST)

Watch the Recording of the CAHRS RA's Future of Remote Work in the Time of COVID
CAHRS RA's Future of Remote Work in the Time of COVID Slides

Watch the Recording of the CAHRS RA's Promoting Mental Health & Well-Being at Work:  The Role of the Manager
CAHRS RA's Promoting Mental Health & Well-Being at Work:  The Role of the Manager Slides

In this webcast, moderated by William J. Conaty Professor and CAHRS Academic Director Brad Bell, CAHRS research assistants will share the results of two benchmarking projects they conducted this semester to better understand some of the key HR challenges and opportunities arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. The research assistants will share the key insights they gleaned from their interviews with CAHRS partner companies and then address comments and questions submitted by attendees. Provided below are descriptions of the benchmarking projects that will be discussed.

Promoting Mental Health and Well-Being at Work: The Role of the Manager

As stress, isolation, and work-family conflict rise during the COVID-19 pandemic, the mental health of workers is taking a toll. Organizations are calling on front-line leaders to support their staff in building resilience and sustaining well-being, but efforts to do so are still nascent. It is not yet clear how organizations can effectively mobilize these leaders to promote mental health at a time when it is needed most.

CAHRS Research Assistants Tiffany Jordan and Nate Mladenovic will share key insights, best practices, and common challenges on mental health initiatives to help CAHRS partner companies navigate this all-too important area.

Embracing the Hybrid Work Model: The Future of Remote Work

It is not an understatement to say that the pandemic has completely transformed the way we work. Organizations acted swiftly to transition to remote work at the outset of the pandemic. In the face of all the challenges, employees have demonstrated agility and resiliency at unprecedented scope and speed. Fast forward to today, every company must decide what’s next. After all that has been learned about the limitations and strategic possibilities of remote work, what does the future of remote work look like? And what is the critical role that HR plays in bringing this vision to life?

CAHRS Research Assistants Hae-Song Jung and Ralf Silva will present insights on how companies are using their learnings from remote work, their unique organizational culture, and different stakeholder interests to shape and communicate their long-term remote work strategy.